Page 7 - 3rd Quarter 2018
P. 7

A minute with...  Who is the biggest influence in
 Natasha Erika S. Ang  6 your show handling journey?
        The biggest influence in my show handling journey
        would be my dad. It was through him that I
 Junior Handler  learned about my passion for dogs and handling.

 3  Who was your first dog,   4 handle dogs in the Show?      What did you learn from showing dogs that you

 Who taught you how to
 and what breed? First
                                                              think are also useful even outside of the show
 show dog? First dog you
 handled in a show?
 My dad was my first teacher when it
                                                       I have learned a lot of life lessons through handling. One lesson
 My first dog was a Beagle, her name   came to dog shows. As the years went   7 ring?
 was Jasmine. However, the first dog I   by, other handlers began mentoring   that is really important would be being patient and learning to
 handled was a Chihuahua.  me in skills which I needed to develop   accept defeat. Life doesn’t always go your way, one has to learn
 to become a better handler. Through                  how to accept defeat and keep on going if one is to succeed in life.
 them, I was able to tune my skills
 How did you become   more and improve on my handling.
 interested in dogs?
 2 In handling dogs?
 Growing up, I have
 always been surrounded
 by dogs. When I was   How did your handling
 five years old. I started   skills develop through
 accompanying my dad to   the years? What was
 dog shows and I figured   the easiest aspect
 it would be fun handling   of show handling for
 dogs after watching   you? What was the   How do you see your
 professional handlers in   hardest aspect of show    future in handling show
 the ring.   5 handling for you?  dogs? In purebred dogs in
 I believe that handling is a   8 general?
 continuous learning experience.   I don’t see myself quitting anytime soon. I
 Through the years, I was able   will probably continue doing this for as long
 to develop my skills in handling   as I could.
 through the help of other
 How old are you?   handlers. They shared their tips
 How many years have   and styles of handling with me
 you been handling?   and through that, I was able to   What advice can you   What would you
 At what age did you   create my own unique form of   give to any child/junior   consider as the major
 1 start handling?  handling. The easiest part of   9 handling aspirant?  highlights of your show
 handling would be showing the   Never stop improving yourself. Always continue   10 handling experience?
 I am currently 16 years old. I   practicing your skills and don’t be scared to fail.
 started getting into handling   side-gait of the dog. The hardest   It’s through failing that we   One of the highlights of this kind of
 dogs when I was 10 years old   would be stacking the dogs.   learn to better ourselves.   hobby would be meeting new people
 and I have been handling dogs                   and making new friends from around
 ever since.                                               the world.

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